• 780.433.7244
  • ebaedm@gmail.com

Useful Links

You can become a member by paying the appropriate membership fee. Having a membership will help us send you regular updates on our various events. The membership will also make you eligible to attend our AGM, vote, get connected, and most importantly a feeling of belongingness. We collect membership fees in person usually during the Durga Puja and during other events as well. Memberships are for one year. Anyone becoming a member on or before 31st October of a fiscal year eligible to vote. Membership can be paid by cheque, cash during an event or by e-transfer.




Membership Type Fee
Family membership fee $50
Individual $25
Student Family membership fee $40
Single Student membership fee $20


Our E-transfer information is as follows:
Recipient: EBA
Email account: etransfer.eba.edm@gmail.com
Please make sure that you mention in the Message box your name and purpose of the transfer.


Australia & New Zealand





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