New Executive Committee Announcement 2022-23
Dear Respected Members,
We, the present Executive Committee, thank you so much for extending us the whole hearted support for organizing various programs through the year 2021-22. We are very proud and honored to serve you. Now time has come for us to pass on the baton to the next Executive Committee. Please note the following members have been elected as the new Executive Committee for the year 2022-23 in our recently concluded AGM on Mar 26th. We therefore request you to welcome the new committee and extend them a helping hand as you always do. The new Executive Committee members are:
1. President – Rama Lall
2. Vice President – Rajat Kundu
3. General Secretary – Anuradha Saker
4. Treasurer – Nilanjan Chatterjee
5. Cultural Secretary – Lipika Das
6. Sport Secretary – Shampa Chakraborty
7. Youth Secretary – Vacant
Our best wishes and congratulations to all the new committee members.
Please note that the new committee is going to organize their first in person get together “Poila Boisakh” on the 16th April, Saturday at our facility and they will communicate to you the details of event shortly. They are also planning to have a cultural program in the evening of “Poila Boisakh” and anyone interested to perform, please contact Lipika Das (780-438-1416 or by 10-April-2022.
We thank you all for your cooperation and understanding as we sailed through this difficult time due to Covid-19 Pandemic.
Thank you and regards,
Sanjoy MukhopadhyayaPresident
Edmonton Bengali Association
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